Mar 31, 2013

How to make your hair thicker and grow faster !

Hey guys :)Every girl dreams of having a thick strong hair. Here are some tips to help you make your hair thick and grow faster naturally.
  • Have a good haircut
even if you have a long hair but not in a good hair cut too many layers can make your hair look thin. So you have to get a good haircut.
  • give your hair protection
Be nice and take extra care when washing and brushing your hair. Wear a scarf or hat if you know you’ll be outside in the sun and wind for a while. Coz it can dry out your hair.
  • Don’t wash your hair every day

I think washing your hair 2-3 times a week  will be perfect. I am always doing that. even some people think washing hair everyday making it grow faster ! I disagree with them.

  • Massage your scalp
Scalp massage regularly increases circulation and blood flow to your hair follicles. It cane make your hair grow faster and faster.I'm using essential oils such as olive oil and coconut oil to massage my scalp.
  • avoid using heat on your hair
Put down the hair straighteners if you really want a thick and long hair. If you want to use them make sure use a heat protect spray.
  • Feed your hair
 Make sure you’re eating good sources of protein, vitamin B and iron daily and get regular exercise. I'm taking fish oil and omega 3 capsules. They are amazing for hair growth. 
  • Keep your mind calm
stress is one of the reasons to losing your hair. So keep calm and take care of your hair.
Get a thick hair and be happy :)see yooou

Mar 30, 2013

Get amazing & soft lips

Hey guys :)

Today I'm gonna tell you one of my secrets. This is my way to keep my lips soft and beautiful. It's one of home remedies for lips.

You know all of us are getting dry and cracked lips easily coz of weather. But try these steps for soft lips :

First of all mix a bit of brown sugar with 2 teaspoons warm olive oil. Apply them on your lips then scrub them in circular motion soooftly. Then leave on for 10 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Second apply a little bit of honey on your lips and leave them for 10 minutes and wash off again with warm water, Dry it.

Finally apply you lip balm. I'm using Nivea lip balm.

Do this 2-3 times a week for soft and sexy lips. ;)

Mar 28, 2013

My first blog post : Why did I decide to blog?

Hi guys :), 

Welcome To my blog!

This is my first blog post. I actually  feel a little bit nervous coz of that.
Everyone's got a blog these days and many years I've been planning to start my own blog, but I never got the time to do it. However I'm not excellent in the language but I'm doing my best. 

Why I'm blogging now ?
I decided to start blogging now because I determined to do all what I've been postponing for so long.

I have a lot of things to share and I believe that growth won't happen when you are in your bubble. All of us need to share things, see what other people are doing, interact with them.

I would also like my readers to enjoy reading my blog posts just like I enjoy reading other blogs. 

what will my blog be about ?

Normally I’ll be writing about beauty , makeup, fashion. nail arts and lifestyle. And my experiments in all of them.

I hope you enjoy my posts :)