Jun 15, 2013

DIY: Increase Your Breast Size NATURALLY at home !!

Hey sweet girls!
I really really miss you. And I am sorry I am so busy these days that's why I am not blogging regularly :(

I hope you all are good :)

Today I gonna talk about breast enlargement ! Yeah so many girls face the problem. that they have so small breast.

Hmmmm in this case You have 3 ways :
* Breast augmentation surgery (I don't recommend it)
*Chest exercises (I will talk about this another time)
*Or try this natural way .. And I will tell you now the secret of it ..

"Fenugreek Seeds and Soy Flour to Enlarge Your Breast Naturally"
For centuries, Arab women have been using Fenugreek seeds to enlarge their breasts naturally. 

All you need to prepare the  :

- 2 teaspoons Fenugreek Seeds.
- 5 teaspoons Soy Flour.

- Water.
- Sugar or Honey.

H o w   t o   p r e p a r e   i t :

  • Take  two tablespoons of dried Fenugreek seeds, sort them then wash carefully.
  • Boil (cook) it very well.
  • Pour the mixture into the cup.
  • Add sugar or honey for sweetening as you prefer
  • Then add the soy flour and stir the mixture well.
  • You can discard the seeds or eat them.
  • Drink this mixture once daily.
  • Maybe it doesn't taste so good

After a week to a month you will start getting outstanding results. It really works and I told two of my friends. they tried it and loved the results..

Don't worry there are no side effects of  fenugreek seeds . it's very safe. and same thing for soy flour..
I hope this will be useful for you