May 4, 2013

DIY: Ice Cubes For Gorgeous Face !

Hello all !
 I've always loved to use Ice Cubes on my face and the results were very clear. my skin looked awesome! tight pores, no more puffiness, my skin stayed clear, and the old acne scar on my face cleared up also!

Ice cubes is one of the quickest ways to restore your face to a fresh look. Even if you are in a hurry, make sure to just rub your face for a minute or two with ice cubes and you are ready to go ! Ice cubes also constrict your pores making your face look smoother.

Ice treatment is Amazing for Acne and Inflammatory skin. It has too much great benefits. I can't tell you all of them .. Try it yourself and you will find them.
I will tell you a secret .. I rub my face with an Ice cube after applying makeup. It makes my face glamour and long lasting makeup.. I swear it really works.
Even Ice Cubes Massage is amazing to get rid under Eye Dark Circles. 

There's also a nice touch for using Ice cubes would be to freeze healthy fruits and vegetables juices into ice cubes.

About my I tried The Green tea Ice cube .. This is WOW and my skin absolutely loved it! it also gave me a healthy glow. since then, green tea facial toners have become a staple in my skincare regime! I prefer to use them after I wash my face the moment I wake up. If you want, you could even add a bit of lemon juice.
Orange juice in Ice Cubes also is useful for bright face and apple juice which is great for oily skin and it would provide a rosy complexion. 

This is just a cheap way for you to keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful. You might want to try this now :)


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