May 9, 2013

Water is The most important Beauty Secret!

Hi all ,.
Have a great and Nice Thursday <3

Water is life.  It's the natural regulator of all physiological functions. <3 ..
I really love water ..  All of us know that water has many benefits for our health and body. But today I will show you how water can make us more and more beautiful :)

1- Makes You Look Younger !
You can look younger just by keeping your skin hydrated. Water helps keep Skin looking good.
Water naturally plumps skin, fills in fine lines and wrinkles, and boosts a lackluster complexion." He recommends drinking lots of water
you must drink 8-11  glasses of water a day. It will really change your look.

2- Helps your hair to grow healthy !
Yep, drinking water is essential to your hair. When it comes to the health of your hair; drinking water is one of the best options for growing hair and maintaining its health. So drink more water. Your hair will thank you later, as you will see a visible difference in the health of your hair. 

3-Smooths and gives you Silky skin !
There's nothing like a warm bath to melt away stress. But it will be better to add bath oil  It will attract water to your skin and make it smooth and silky,you will get healthy hydration. after your soak, gently pat yourself dry and immediately apply a body lotion and enjoy your silky body.

4- Helps You Lose Weight !
Trying to lose weight? Drink more water. Drink 2 glasses of water before each meal and before each snack to suppress your appetite by making you feel fuller. 

5- Helps to Shrink Pores !
Before applying makeup, splash your face with cold water (I've sworn up and down before about the benefits of Ice Cubes before and after applying make up). This simple trick shrinks pores naturally, making foundation look and stay smoother.

And more healthy benefits
So please Drink up! You Will See the Difference in Your Health :)

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