Apr 25, 2013

DIY: Homemade Sugar Wax !! Easy, Inexpensive and Simple !!

Hi Sweets ! =) ..
Today is Thursday ! I hope you have an Insanely Weekend <3 =) ..

Going to the salon to wax is very costly  ! So why you pay so much if you can Do It Yourself at home with 3 simple ingredients?

I've always loved to use the Homemade Sugar Wax, However It's cheap I had great results, and now I said goodbye to disposable razors and shaving cream.
I am giving you simple recipe, instructions, and tips, which will give you salon results at a fraction of the cost. It will leave your skin feeling baby-soft.
Ready to try it? 

I n g r e d i e n t s :

You simply need:

  • A cup of water.
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar.
S t e p s :
  • Mix the ingredients together in a medium-big sized pot.
  • turn the stove on to medium or in the middle of medium and high
  • When your mixture starts to bubble or become frothy, start mixing it with wooden or metal spoon.
  • After the frothiness has appeared, keep mixing it for 5-8 minutes and start to take the pot off the stove and wait for the bubbles to disappear.
  • Check the color and see the consistency of the wax. If the color is a dark auburn or dark brownish, it is ready.
  • If it is not like this, put it back on the stove and cook it some more.
  • Take the wax off the stove, it's recommended to pour it into a jar immediately and let it cool for 5-7 minutes.
U s i n g   T h e   W a x :
  • Prepare your skin. Make sure it’s clean and dry.
  • Using a Popsicle stick apply some wax onto your skin in the direction of your hair growth.
  • You don’t need a lot of wax; as long as it evenly covers your skin, even if the layer is thin, it should be fine.
  • Apply a fabric strip directly on top of the wax, making sure you cover all of it.
  • Rub the strip with your hand up and down and apply a little pressure on it.
  • Quickly pull the strip off of your skin in the opposite direction that you spread the wax.
  • Repeat this procedure on other areas of your skin until all the unwanted hair is removed.
A f t e r    W a x i n g :
  • clean your skin by wiping it down with a clean, wet cloth and patting it dry.
  • Apply lotion or baby oil to make your skin extra smooth.
  • Enjoy your smooth, hair-free skin, later your hair will grow back finer and slower over time.
Sweet Girls .. 
I hope you try this easy and cheap way of hair removal .. 
Best wishes :*


  1. sugar wax says:A very good blog for making and using wax. sugar wax if done by professional wont pain much and effects of it is last longing.

    1. Yeah sure .. :)
      Welcome to my blog dear ..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
