Apr 29, 2013

Tips to apply Quick and Easy Morning Makeup !

Hi Sweets !

Every girl wants to save her time when doing Makeup. because we don't have so much time in the morning to be ready ! For me, makeup takes the longest to do :( ..  But recently I've changed little bit of the routine. 

Simple everyday makeup will give you a fresh, confident look. Well, here are some tips to help you speed up your makeup routine. 

  • First of all, make sure your skin is clean. now you can cover up any noticeable blemishes. I love stick concealer because you just click it and apply on the area needed.
  • Apply foundation or powder. Powder is less damaging for your skin. Don't apply too much, just little bit.
  • Some people prefer to use blusher, while others don't ! I love to make it light, natural pink shade. use a big fluffy brush so you get more color on in less time.
  • Before applying the eye makeup, just swipe your wand on a clean tissue.
  • I don't like to wear shadow in the morning, liner and mascara, or only mascara. Choose what you like, and stick with it.  Also,If you like to apply eye-shadow, wet your brush beforehand so the color is more intense.
  • Curl your lashes by the tool and apply mascara. 
  • Apply a natural lip color .I like to apply Foundation on my lips before applying the lip color  Sometimes I use lip balm before gloss or lipstick to make sure that my lips don't dry out.
  • Finished :).

       - Less is more. Don't overdo your makeup
       - Wash off all makeup before bed. You can use makeup remover, cleanser or baby  shampoo for this. I am using Coconut oil sometimes to remove makeup :D

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